Capital Projects

DCS Capital Projects

On November 1, 2024, Deposit CSD put forth a referendum for a capital project that would address much needed improvements to our facilities. The scope of the project has been in the making for many years and is the result of input from staff, students, community members, and health and safety specialists. All improvements address efficiency, safety, or curriculum needs. This page will include information to help you learn about the project. This project was designed with the needs of the students and taxpayers in mind. With careful planning and the use of the capital reserve fund, the District is able to maximize state aid for a zero additional tax impact project. See the links below for more information about the project. We hope you come out to cast your vote on January 7th from 2-8 PM in the high school band room.

Proposed Project Flyer

Public Hearing Presentation

If you are unable to attend one of the public presentations, you can find information about the proposed project here.

2021-2024 Completed Renovations

Voting Information

Voting will take place in the high school band room from 2-8 PM on Monday, 1/7. All residents ages 18 and over are eligible to vote. Absentee and early mailing ballots can be requested from Ruth Lobdell at 607-467-5380. Requests must be received by 12/31. Ballots must be returned by 1/7. 

In the event of bad weather, the vote will take place on 1/8 from 2-8 PM in the band room.

Project Videos